
  • Princess Agents Episode 54 English Translated 楚乔传 先行版

    Princess Agents Episode 54 English Translated 楚乔传 先行版

    Xiu Li army commander finds out some of his men is missing as their families were close by. They go into the city to find their men. At departure, his other men also wants to go home and meet their family. The commander gives them 1 hour. The commander sees his father being scorn upon by customers for having a son who betrayed the nation. His father protects his son saying he definitely will not.

    The soldier finds out his mother passed away because no one wants to sell medicine to a betrayer's family. He commits suicide. A assistant commander comes and says he is there to escort them (like a criminal) to the north border. The commander ask what does he mean by "ya song" (to capture and escort). The assistant commander says something disgusting with betrayers and instigated Xiu Li commander to hit the horse. He runs back and says the Xiu Li army are rebelling. They will find a place in Yanbei and hide away.

    They discuss battle plans and enter into a huge dilemma. Yanxun ask for a third general opinion and he says Yanxun is great and will have a brilliant plan.
    Yanxun is talking to his dad and expressing how disappointed he is at the current situation with Yanbei. Each state of Yanbei is no longer with Yanxun and all have become greedy and selfish.

    The King appoints Prince Yuan Qi as commander and Wei Shu Yi as assistant commander to go to battle with Yanxun.

    Solider reports to Yanxun that the King of Da Wei sent 200,000 soldiers under Prince Yuan Qi command. Yanxun goes to meet the enemy.

    Yuwen Yue talks about the army positioning between Da Wei and Yanbei. He points out that Da Wei might be in danger, and cannot predict who will win. Yanxun left Yanbei undefended as he doesn't care about Yanbei. Wei Shu Yi and Prince Yuan Qi will never be able to predict that Yanxun did not leave any army to protect Yanbei. To him, once he conquers Chang An, he doesn't need to live in Yanbei anymore. Yuwen Yue makes plans to return to Chang An.

    The guy things that it's better for Chu Qiao to leave so she doesn't block Yanxun's plans.

    Someone stole the command object that controls the 150,000 soldiers defending Chang An. The king tells the prince to find the command object as they both know this is a critical situation.
    They found out only the Princess Chun Er went in and out. The Prince receives a note from Yuwen Yue that Yanxun's army is bypassing the forest and going to attack Chang An.

    They find out it was Princess Chun Er that stole the command. This is a death penalty for stealing the command

    Xiu Li army doesn't want to drag Chu Qiao down and ask her for help. Chu Qiao finds Xiu Li army and says right now Yanbei is non-defendable and needs Xiu Li army's help.


    1. The subs for 2 uncut videos should come out in youtube in a few hours. The only part of ep 54 that won't get translated today is probably from 29:00 to 34:00 (the last 5 minutes of ep 54). Today is peculiar in that the youtube subbers might release 2 english sub uncut videos in another few hours: eng sub 47 (tv 52 and tv 53), plus eng sub 48 (tv 53 and tv 54). Usually, the youtube subbers only release 1 eng sub video per day and the tv video is about 20 minutes ahead or can be ahead by almost 1 episode. I use the translations here if the uncut eng sub video is behind the tv video by about 1 episode.

    2. Your chinese is good enough to join existing subbing teams or you can try subbing dramas without subs yet like : first half of my life, new ode to gallantry, boyhood, my mr mermaid, etc.

    3. Princess Agents and Advisors Alliance already have subbing teams so there is some duplication of effort if you produce summaries of them from the chinese. After the subs come out, people can produce summaries of them from the english subs and do not need to do them from the chinese.

      1. I think reading materials from people who produce them from the english subtitles is such a bad idea. Again, there's already a lot of lost text in the translations. These translations will get more distance from what is actually said. Have you ever play the telephone game?

    4. I'll check the dramas. Thank you for the recommendations. Haha, I take pride in my understanding and being able to flip back and forth between the languages.

      One other thing. I love translating Cantonese shows especially the 1990s ones. If you guys want translations for those, I would totally love it. :)

      1. For dramas, south korea still has a huge lead over china. Probably about 9 out 10 dramas watched by foreigners are still from south korea. Taiwan drama and Hong Kong dramas are not as popular. For Hong Kong dramas, I have watched all of the monkey king tv dramas.

      2. the thing with s korea dramas I feel is because the Korean ministry support and encourage the export of their dramas to foreign countries. to their credit this has increased their tourism receipts and quite a number of people started to learn Korean. of course there are some very good storylines and excellent acting to boost kdramas further. but now I get the feeling that k fever is slowly subsiding and cdramas is slowly on the rise but to a great extent hindered by language barrier and Chinese govt protectionism policies.
        so sad that the golden age of Cantonese dramas/movies is long over. (Cantonese is such an interesting and witty language or is it consider a dialect?)
        then came the Taiwanese around the time of meteor garden I think, then followed by s korea. in Singapore and Malaysia, the leading cable tv, have channels solely dedicated to showing Korean dramas and Korean stuff with English subs. in Malaysia the viewers even have the option of malay sub.
        the wind of change is blowing slowly but surely but could be scuppered by the Chinese govt if they don't sit up and learn from the Koreans. it has been said china is so populous, china does not need outsiders to support their dramas or movie industry.
        talk about journey to the west (monkey king), the drama has so many remakes it makes me groggy thinking about it. can anyone tell me the original journey to the west ends where? those scriptwriters have been padding the classic a lot right?

      3. I read the Journey to West children's book when I was 3 lol.. the first product that came I believe was the 1986 series ( ).

        The best production to date in my opinion is the 1996 version with Dicky Cheung. I found the first episode here.

        Why I like this one? they have all the perfect actors for all the roles especially the monkey king. Every actor in here is a veteran actor and all based on talent. The monkey king can do acrobats like no other and he is super cool when he exploded out of the medicine ball and took revenge. The music here is also phenomenal. All the best classics. Okay, as you can see, I love this production.

        Every single production after this one, I gave them all a chance, but they were all so bad. Like so so BADDDDD even the 2016 movies and other stuff.

      4. I think wikipedia does a summary of the journey to the west in regards to what actually happens in the book. Final destination maybe somewhere in India or near India (I think that's where Buddhism started).

      5. first came to know journey from the west when I stumble across an old video tape in a relative home. it was the animated version and title - wu kong make chaos in heaven. that time I did not know the proper title was journey to the west and is one of 4 famous Chinese classic. I was fascinated by the story and the monkey king antics. the animation is so well drawn. somehow there was no inclination on my part to watch any of the drama versions. I did read that fans were saying the original version is the best and I think they were referring to a hk production.
        I have searched in the library for the English translation of journey to the west but the library did not stock this title.
        well, never mind, i can wait. now i am so into cdramas. PA has taken over my life, day after day waiting for next and then next episode. I think i will be glad when its finally over!

      6. i found the series here!
