
  • Advisors Alliance Episode 2 English Translation 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 先行版

    Advisors Alliance Episode 2 English Translation 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 官方独播超清版

    Minister Cao and his son, Huang Xu, eliminates the 2 groups of assassins. During investigation, Dong Cheng commits suicide to avoid more officials being identified. Dong Cheng's daughter, Concubine Dong is pregnant and dragged to the terrace. Sima Yi starts to suspect his father was part of the king's pact as he sees his father stutter and uneasy. The King begged Minister Cao for mercy, and Cao Cao asked the King to pick up the sword and kill him if the king believes he is treacherous. Instead, the King drops the sword and ask for Cao Cao's understanding. Cao Cao ridicules how can the King ask his subject to understand him and embarrasses him as being weak. Any officials that spoke on behalf of the King was killed.

    Sima Yi reminds his father that the whole family will die if he speaks up and will try to help the family survive. Against his sons warning, Yang Tai Wei (Tai Wei - official position) walks forward and speaks for the dead officials and within moments, he was imprisoned. Cao Cao ask Sima Fang to speak, and explain himself for the attack in an event that was managed by Sima Fang. Seeing his father stutter, Sima Fang steps to to explain that they did not participate in the attack and was only trying to encourage more talents to come through. However, some assassins manage to bypass the security. Sima Fang is imprisoned as well along with all native-born Han officials except for Wen Ruo, who is Cao Cao's trusted official.

    Sima Yi informs the family their father is imprisoned and goes to Xiao Shi House for guidance. Yang Xiu visits Cao Cao to save his father but exchanging news of who Yuang Shao spy is. He exposes Sima Fang as the spy and if his house was searched, they would find letters of communication. Upon search, the wife tried to stop the soldiers but was persuaded by a Cao Cao's guard to hold still as the search was warranted. The guard and the wife knows each other.

    At Xiao Shi House, Sima Yi meets with the Strategy General, Jiu Jiu, for advice on what to do. The General says he cannot help not gives a clue that only their fathers were imprisoned and not the sons. Minister Cao wants something. He tells Sima Yi to think carefully and dismissed him.

    The search unraveled a letter within the golden cups, which were wedding gifts that were sent back from Yang Xiu's house. Cao Cao verified the handwriting was Sima Fang's and allowed Yang Xiu's dad to be released. The advisors note that the letter might not be real; however, it's not the main focus. Sima Yi finds out Yang Tai Wei was released and his father was changed to a more critical jail. He sense something wrong and visits multiple of his dad's friends house but his presence was refused.

    Cao Cao finds out about the edict of belt from Liu Bei's letter and wants to find the letter. They know the letter is in Xu Du. They know that Yuan Shao letter was in Sima Fang's possession. They wander if the edict is the same as well. the advisor doesn't even know if the letter is fake or real. They are waiting for Sima Yi to discover the list of people on the edict.

    Sima Yi thinks the edict has not been discovered yet otherwise more officials will be locked up in the jail cells. There must be a different reason that only his father was arrested. His wife introduces him to her old friend, Ji Bu, that is currently a guard in Cao Cao's army. He saved her from mountain thieves. He brings the sword that Ji Bu gave the wife to meet Ji Bu. Ji Bu refused to disclose any information about what his father was jailed for.

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