
  • Advisors Alliance Episode 12 English Subtitle Translation 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 官方独播超清版

    Advisors Alliance Episode 9 English Subtitle Translation 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 官方独播超清版

    Xun Yu starts to reveal some information. People who only wants to win will do whatever it takes even cruel methods. This is scary to other people. Everyone wants to get the final goal but everyone will have a dilemma.

    Sima Yi and Zi Huan arrives in front of Cao Cao's house. Sima Yi says "every time I come here, I'm scared but with you this time, it's a bit better" Zi Huan says "This time, I am scared!" The enter and was put on wait. Zi Jian reports he fulfilled the duties, and Cao Cao promotes Cao Zhi and sends them out to battle. Yang Xiu and Zi Jian exits and Sima Yi and Zi Huan awaits to be called.

    When enemies grill at each other

    When you find out the other person is in trouble too! Hah! & Shit!

    Zi Huan apologizes for not having to send the army command. When asked why, he says Zi Jian was able to send it and Zi Huan dares not kill Cao Cao's people. Zi Huan and Sima Yi are both sent to be punished. The official in charge of the cell greets them and as he leaves, he tells the soldiers to treat them like regular criminals and stay away from troubling them.

    Sima Yi comforts Zi Huan and explains that Cao Cao is looking for a successor. Guo Zhao visits Sima Yi's family and comfort her sister.

    Everyone is worrying about Zi Huan and Xun Yu, along with other officials, was waiting for this official to show up and plea for Zi Huan. Only he can do it. Sima Yi and Zi Huan is wondering how long they would stay

    The soldier Zi Huan spared comes to see the wives. He was asked to speak for Zi Huan and the soldier pledges with his life. The wives tells Zi Huan's mother about him and the mother will bring the soldier to Cao Cao.

    Soldier begs Cao Cao to spare Zi Huan's life and take his life instead. Cao Cao releases the soldier and says he will not kill Zi Huan. He acknowledges that Zi Huan and his men is able to manipulate people despite being in the cell. Zi Huan is released to send Cao Cao off to battle. Zi Huan fakes a cry and claims how almighty Cao Cao is for taking on the battle. Cao Cao says the poem Zi Jian said sounds better.


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