
  • Advisors Alliance Episode 9 English Translation 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 官方独播超清版

    Advisors Alliance Episode 9 English Translation 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 官方独播超清版

    3:39 : A General (under Zi Huan's) storms into Sima Yi's house to search for Ji Bu and was stopped by his wife. Sima Yi runs out and slows down the aggression by saying "There's something else to the situation. If Zi Huan know he is in my house, he can just send some assassin to take him away. There's no need for such a public stunt like this. Let's sit down and have a chat". Guo Zhao has a plan and runs off

    Sima Yi distracts the general while Guo Zhao runs off. Ji Bu sneaks onto the general and have him held hostage while Sima Yi ask for half an incense time and everything will be okay.

    Sima Yi accidently slaps the general's face to kill a bug (lol - it was expected but nonetheless lol) Zi Huan arrives at the scene and orders Ji Bu to leave and the army to back off. The general's legs fell asleep and is limping from sitting in one position for half an incense time. Sima Yi request to explain to Zi Huan but not in the house so he doesn't drag them down with him. They leave to somewhere else.

    Sima Yi ask "Why does Minister Cao assign the responsibility of catching Ji Bu to you? Why did he give you such a short time?" Ji Bu belongs to Xiao Shi house which Zi Huan is in charge of, and wants to use this incident to weaken my power. Sima Yi "Why does he want to do that?" Zi Huan says it's because he is thinking of making Zi Jian the heir. "Why does Minister Cao feels like he has to do this?" Because I'm the eldest son, and that I am more looked up to among the officials. Sima Yi explains so if you catch Ji Bu, you are going against his will and declaring war against Cao Cao and Zi Jian. You will become a bad person in many people's eyes and if you error again, people will despise you even more.

    Yang Xiu congratulates Zi Jian and explains that it is for opening a way so Zi Jian can gain power. Then, he will be granted the position of shizi. Zi Huan catches his wife thinking about Zi Jian with a poetry on her handkerchief.

    Cao Cao finds out Zi Huan gave up on capturing Ji Bu and that he was in contact with Sima Yi. He's like the situation is fine and walks off.

    Zi Huan makes a stage and publicly announces the situation and ask Ji Bu to come to the stage for his punishments. He will wait at the stage.

    Wife argues with Sima Yi how can he let Ji Bu surrender himself. Sima Yi argues "Do you guys think I'll be jealous of the relationship between you two and tried to set a trap for you?" He continues to say that Zi Huan is honest and upright. He's the only one that can save Ji Bu right now.

    Ji Bu surrenders himself to Zi Huan. Ji Bu comes forth with his honesty and accepts punishment. The crowd cheers saying this man cannot be killed. Zi Huan promises to the crowd that Ji Bu will live.

    Minister Cao refuses the presence of Yang Xiu and another guy. They want to persuade the Minister to kill Ji Bu. Since their presence was refused they will ask Zi Jian to do it.

    Minister Cao brings Ji Bu to his meeting room without anyone knowing and ask him who taught him how to use virtue excuse to come and surrender. He has Ji Bu taken away and is surprised Sima Yi cause the whole city to rumble today and sat at home quietly.

    The wife worries for her friend. Guo Zhao comes in and tells them that the officials and citizens ask for Ji Bu's forgiveness.


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